Orthopedic Surgery

Orthopedic care is the area of medicine dedicated to your musculoskeletal system. This means that if you have any issues with your muscles, bones, joints, tendons, or ligaments, you may need to see an orthopedic surgeon.

In some cases, successfully addressing musculoskeletal issues will require orthopedic surgery. Yankton医疗诊所的整形外科医生使用最新的技术和最具创新性的程序,以确保南达科他州和内布拉斯加州的患者能够继续做他们喜欢的所有活动. At Yankton Medical Clinic Orthopedics, we keep you moving!

Orthopedic Surgery Specialties


Joint Replacement


随着年龄的增长,你的关节会以某种方式磨损,导致疼痛、不适和活动能力丧失. 有时这是由于关节炎或创伤性损伤,但通常只是由于磨损. Replacing the joint–as is the case for a total knee replacement surgery, for example–can minimize pain and keep you moving. The orthopedic surgery team at Yankton Medical Clinic specializes in:

  • Knee replacement (both partial and total knee replacement surgery)
  • Robotic Total Knee Replacement
  • Hip replacement
  • Shoulder replacement

Fracture Care

It’s easy to hear that you have a bone “fracture” and breathe a sigh of relief. At least it’s not a break, you think. Unfortunately, a bone fracture is a break. 因此,必须特别注意确保你的骨头以正确的方式结合在一起.

In cases where fractures are particularly problematic, surgery may be required to ensure proper healing. 扬克顿医疗中心的整形外科医生将能够评估你的骨折,并制定正确的手术治疗方法,让你再次活动.

Carpal Tunnel Surgery

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome can develop for a wide variety of reasons (not only, as is popularly assumed, due to repetitive motion). 这会导致食指、中指和拇指麻木和不适. Carpal tunnel surgery is usually employed when other treatments prove ineffective.

During carpal tunnel surgery, your Yankton Medical Clinic orthopedic surgeon will trim away a portion of your tendon, relieving the pressure on your nerve. 这是为了持续改善你的腕管综合症症状.

Athletic Injuries

无论你是在跑步、跳跃还是伸展,运动损伤都会让你退出比赛. 全球最大赌博365网站的骨科团队可以帮助诊断和治疗你的运动损伤,以一种对你的整体健康有意义的方式. Some particularly severe athletic injuries may require surgery to treat.

全球最大赌博365网站,我们专门从事微创门诊手术. 这意味着你的恢复可以更快地进行,我们可以让你行动起来,尽快回到球场上.

Rotator Cuff Repair

Rotator cuff injuries can drastically (and painfully) impair the movement of your arm. A torn rotator cuff can develop due to arthritis, wear and tear, or traumatic injury.

Rotator cuff repair surgery can reattach ligaments to the bone where needed, decreasing pain and improving mobility as a result. 这种治疗通常与物理治疗相结合,以加速恢复并减少未来肩袖损伤的风险.

Cervical and Lumbar Spine Stenosis

脊椎容纳了大量的神经,以促进整个身体的运动和感觉. 椎管狭窄是指脊柱变窄,这种变窄会导致神经受到挤压, leading to pain and discomfort.

Spinal stenosis is most commonly experienced in the neck and lower back areas. 外科手术被用来纠正问题,减轻神经压力,同时尽量减少疼痛和不适.


Scoliosis is characterized by a sideways curvature of the spine. In cases where scoliosis is particularly severe, surgery may be required to address the problem and relieve symptoms. In most cases, 脊柱侧凸手术包括脊柱融合术(将椎骨融合在一起)或植骨术. 你的骨科医生会针对你的脊柱侧凸症状制定治疗方案.

Disk Herniations

在脊柱的每个椎体之间是一个圆盘状的组织,它可以作为脊椎的一种减震器. When these disks herniate (when they are squeezed or ruptured), the resultant pinched nerves can be quite painful. 椎间盘突出的手术是通过切除椎间盘的破裂部分(直至切除整个椎间盘)来纠正问题。. This relieves pressure on the nerve and helps to minimize or alleviate pain.


Sciatica can have a few different causes, but it’s often the result of a herniated disk or a bone spur. In those cases, 坐骨神经痛手术可以纠正这个问题——通常是通过解决引起症状的椎间盘突出.

Sciatica surgery treatments can eliminate the pressure on the sciatic nerve and, therefore, alleviate the lower back and leg pain that is the hallmark of sciatica.

Foot and Ankle Conditions

Ankle pain can be a challenge to cope with and severely limit your mobility! Addressing and correcting foot and ankle pain may sometimes require surgery, especially when other interventions have proven unsuccessful. 精确的手术方法取决于你的病情来源——韧带, tendons, bones, or muscles are causing your loss of mobility.


Ankle Sprains

You might think of a sprained ankle as a minor injury. But that ankle pain you feel after a sprain is damage to the ligament. 例如,当你经历三级踝关节扭伤时,韧带已经完全撕裂.

当你经历如此严重的踝关节扭伤时,需要手术来修复损伤. 愈合通常通过踝关节镜手术来实现,该手术修复韧带. Once healing is complete, most patients are again able to move normally.

Bunion Surgery

Bunions can seem minor. 但如果不及时治疗,这些长在大脚趾上的骨头会严重妨碍你的活动能力. When walking becomes painful, you’ll likely find yourself walking less and less. In some cases, 治疗拇囊炎需要外科手术来切除多余的骨头. 拇囊炎手术消除了对大脚趾的压力,可以帮助患者正常行走,并且减少疼痛.

Achilles Tendonitis

Damage to the Achilles tendon can have severe consequences for your ability to walk. 跟腱炎是相对常见的,尤其是随着年龄的增长(尤其是跑步者)。. But particularly severe cases can require surgery to repair damage to the tendon. Once the tendon is surgically repaired, you may be required to wear a special boot for 6 to 12 weeks after your procedure. After healing is complete, you should regain much of the mobility you lost.

Heel Pain

Severe pain in the heel can be a sign of a few different issues. 你的骨科医生会检查你的脚后跟,以确定你疼痛的确切原因. 如果需要手术,通常是修复该区域的韧带、肌肉或肌腱.

这些组织的损伤会使走路或跑步极度痛苦(如果不是不可能的话)。. 一旦手术完成,组织修复,你应该会注意到更大的活动能力.

Ankle Pain

Chronic ankle pain or ankle injury can be a sign of weakness in your joint. For some patients, surgery can help strengthen the ankle joint, making those chronic injuries less common. Likewise, ankle surgery can address pain and discomfort caused by arthritis. Ankle pain is not something you want to ignore!

Ankle Instability

The instability of the ankle can affect the way you walk. If your tendons become too loose over time, for example, then the tension that supports your ankle and your leg can begin to falter.

矫正踝关节不稳的手术通常包括韧带修复或韧带置换, depending on your situation. These surgical procedures can be performed on an outpatient basis.

Orthopedic Outpatient Surgery

Yankton医疗门诊门诊手术中心(ASC)是Yankton的一个现场设施, SD, that performs a wide variety of outpatient surgical procedures. Patients who undergo surgery at our ASC will generally return home the same day. 我们的门诊手术中心提供所有的高科技技术和安全措施的医院设置没有额外的压力, confusion, or cost. 这使得在Yankton医疗诊所ASC进行门诊手术变得直截了当, easy-going experience.

Not all orthopedic surgeries can be performed in an ASC setting, but many can. 和你的整形外科医生谈谈哪种设置最适合你的情况和你的需要.  The right outpatient procedure can keep you moving!

Get the Orthopedic Surgery You Need

接受整形手术通常是让你重新站起来——重新开始生活的第一步. 我们的骨科医生将全球的专业知识和卓越的高科技护理带到您的后院! At Yankton Medical Clinic Orthopedics, we keep you moving!

Call us today at 605-665-1722

Orthopedic surgery in Norfolk NE
Orthopedic surgery in Vermillion SD


Yankton Medical Clinic, P.C.

1104 West Eighth Street
Yankton, SD 57078

Main Clinic Number:

Medical Records Fax

Monday – Friday
8 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.

8:30 a.m. – Noon

ConvenientCare Hours
Appointments Required

Monday – Friday
5 – 7 p.m.

Saturday & Sunday
Noon – 3 p.m.

Wagner Community Memorial Hospital

513 3rd St,
Wagner, SD 57380

For Appointments:

Dr. Brent Adams, Orthopedics


Dr. Byron Nielsen, Nephrology


Vermillion Medical Clinic

101 South Plum Street,
Vermillion, SD 57069

For Appointments:

Click Here for Self-Scheduling

Fax: 605-624-2362

Clinic Hours
Monday-Friday: 8 a.m. – 6 p.m.



When hip pain has stopped you from doing many activities and, you've tried everything to relieve the pain, hip replacement may be the next step to feeling better.

Read more to learn the answers to the questions patients ask us most frequently!